Visitors - Book Tee Time

Visitor - Book Open Competition

Member - Book Tee Time


******   Ready Golf   *****

Edenderry Golf Club introduced "READY GOLF" and we hope that it will make the game more enjoyable for all and reduce slow play. The main features of "READY GOLF" are
- Hitting a shot when safe to do so if a player farther away is not ready to play,
- Shorter hitters playing first from the tee or fairway if longer hitters must wait,
- Hitting a tee shot if the person with the honour is delayed,
- Hitting a shot before helping someone to look for a lost ball,
- Putting out even if it means standing close to someone else's line,
- Leaving your bag between the green and next tee box when your ball reaches the green,
- Moving smartly from green to next tee,
- Marking scores on arrival at the next tee, except for the first player to tee off,
- Allowing group behind play through if you are falling behind.
Above all enjoy your game and be courteous to others.
Edenderry Golf Club are operating an on-line booking system. We ask that all Members & Visitors book their tee times in advance no matter whether they are playing Competitions, Matchplay or casual golf.  If you don't have a computer or smart phone or need help call 046 9731072.

*****  Edenderry Golf Club - Google Calendar  *****

Google Calendar   

You can access the calendar from your computer, laptop or iPhone.

Instructions on how to set up the calendar is as follows:

If you have a gMail account

  • Open you eMail account and click on Icon on top of screen
  • Select CALENDAR from the frame
  • On the left of the screen click the down on "Others calendars."
  • Where it says "Add a friends calendar" enter [email protected] and press "Enter" on the keyboard.
  • You will then see the Edenderry Calendar.
