Youth Development Academy

Junior Captain: Vinny

Junior Captain for 2024 - Vinny Leech

Vinny is a junior captain that is well known to all of the club membership due to his outgoing gregarious personality. In his golfing prowess he is known to be an extremely straight hitter. Hitting a wayward shot for Vinny is being slightly of the centre cut of the fairway.

Vinny is a young man with a wealth of interclub experience behind him. He has a strong record in both the junior inter club teams and incredibly also with the adult teams. With his energy and drive Vinny will bring an air of positivity to the club. His dream year would be to see Edenderry capture a junior pennant. I’m sure all in the club wish him nothing but the best in all his endeavours.


Build the correct structures  - Excellence will follow.

By creating the proper environment to instil a love of the game, we then have the opportunity to develop a pathway to excellence.

Our aim is to create a safe comfortable space where everyone is welcomed and everyone is looked after. Edenderry Youth Development Academy strives to be inclusive, welcoming and developmental.

All national guidelines and procedures in relation to Child Protection and safety are followed within the academy.

The welfare and safety of all of our young people is always paramount within the Youth Academy.

Professional and structured coaching with Coach Ken happens weekly.

Golf 4 All is in its' 6 year and thriving.

Growth On the Greens for Youth-At-Risk is in its' second year and being rolled out in 3 other locations also.

In school sessions and golf camps at Halloween, Easter and Summer are always packed out.

30 volunteers are the backbone on which this very hectic schedule is built.

YDA Summer Camp

Golf For All Video

YDA Spring04
YDA Spring02
YDA Spring01