Club Membership

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This is a great opportunity to join a friendly Members Owned Golf Club and play one of the finest courses in Leinster.
Excellent rates now available to 31 Mar 2026.

On-line Application Form

Juvenile Application Form

Parental Consent Form

Juvenile Code of Conduct Form

Social Membership Form

Easy payment methods are available.

Contact  Edenderry Golf Club

Membership Category [Ladies & Gents]
Membership Year to Mar 31st 2026.

Golf Ireland Levy: Please note additional levy may apply for Golf Ireland Membership of €28 and must be paid at start of year.

Full €720
Senior - Aged 65 on 1st Jan €575
Full - Aged Under 30 on 1st Jan €475
Full - Aged Under 40 on 1st Jan €575
[Note: Maximum of 3 years at these rates.]
5 Day €545
Starter (First Year only) €375
Handicap may be given but excludes any 1st prize.
Country €545
Must reside more than 20 km and be a full member of another club.
Overseas €375
Junior - 2nd Level Students €100
Junior - 3rd Level Students €225
Juvenile €50

Junior Members
Boys or Girls 17 years or over and in fulltime education are eligible to apply for a Junior membership.
There will also be an opportunity for those under 17 years of age to apply for Junior membership which will be based on merit. Therefore, if a Juvenile member under 17 years of age has demonstrated an ability to play to a handicap of 27 for boys and 45 for girls, they may seek to transfer to become Junior members.
Once deemed to be a Junior member and on payment of the annual subscription that person may continue to be a Junior member until they are finished in full time education.
Junior members are eligible to win all competitions with the exceptions of the Captains and Presidents prize where they are excluded from both first and second place prizes.

Juvenile Membership
Boys and Girls who are aged 5 years or older are eligible to seek Juvenile membership. Juvenile membership shall be renewed annually. Juveniles may only play in competitions specially organised for their category. Juvenile members can transfer to Junior membership when their playing handicap demonstrates the relevant ability.